We adopted Lupine as an eight week old kitten from the Berkeley Humane Society in October 1984. We told her that she was an SPCA special. She has been a very healthy cat up until her sixteenth birthday. |
The last two years she has gone through two major surgeries. One was a removal of a cancerous tumor from her liver. She was Cancer free for 17+ months. The other surgery was enunciation of her eye (removal).With the help of Dr. Steven Gardner from Albany VCA, she has pulled through like a champ with all the obstacles that came before her. She has lived, I hope, a happy life. Kathy and I will miss our little baby. |
The first picture was taken several years ago when she was in good health. The next two pictures were taken very recently after the removal of her eye. She wanted to dress up as a pirate kitty for Halloween, hence the eyepatch and the parrot. "Arrgh! Avast ye matey" |
A very special thank you to Dr. Stephen Gardner whose unending support in keeping Lupine alive for this long. Dr. Michael Sozanski for the excellent surgical skills with the tumor removal. All the vet technicians who drew blood and took her tests, etc. The front counter staff who always were so helpful and concerned about Lupine's heath and well-being. A special thanks to Marisa, Nancy, and Brenda who always were very supportive. Thanks Ron for all the time you split those awkward shaped pills for me. A warm thank you to Mary who always had such kind words and moral support during this time. I cannot forget to say thank you to my sole mate and partner Kathy. You are always so supportive when it came to the needs and caring with our kitty. |